
Found 83 results
Gazes Y, Li P, Sun E, Razlighi QR, Tsapanou A.  2019.  Age specificity in fornix-to-hippocampus association.. Brain Imaging Behav. 13(5):1444-1452.
Parker DB, Razlighi QR.  2019.  The Benefit of Slice Timing Correction in Common fMRI Preprocessing Pipelines.. Front Neurosci. 13:821.
Varangis E, Razlighi QR, Habeck CG, Fisher Z, Stern Y.  2019.  Between-network Functional Connectivity Is Modified by Age and Cognitive Task Domain.. J Cogn Neurosci. 31(4):607-622.
Tsapanou A, Habeck C, Gazes Y, Razlighi QR, Sakhardande J, Stern Y, Salthouse TA.  2019.  Brain biomarkers and cognition across adulthood.. Hum Brain Mapp. 40(13):3832-3842.
Stern Y, Mackay-Brandt A, Lee S, McKinley P, McIntyre K, Razlighi QR, Agarunov E, Bartels M, Sloan RP.  2019.  Effect of aerobic exercise on cognition in younger adults: A randomized clinical trial.. Neurology. 92(9):e905-e916.
Varangis E, Habeck CG, Razlighi QR, Stern Y.  2019.  The Effect of Aging on Resting State Connectivity of Predefined Networks in the Brain.. Front Aging Neurosci. 11:234.
Tahmi M, Bou-Zeid W, Razlighi QR.  2019.  A Fully Automatic Technique for Precise Localization and Quantification of Amyloid-β PET Scans.. J Nucl Med. 60(12):1771-1779.
Moura AR, Lee S, Habeck C, Razlighi QR, Stern Y.  2019.  The relationship between white matter hyperintensities and cognitive reference abilities across the life span.. Neurobiol Aging. 83:31-41.
Parker DB, Razlighi QR.  2019.  Task-evoked Negative BOLD Response and Functional Connectivity in the Default Mode Network are Representative of Two Overlapping but Separate Neurophysiological Processes.. Sci Rep. 9(1):14473.