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Weill Cornell Medicine
Quantitative Neuroimaging Laboratory
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Negative BOLD Response
Human Brain’s Large Scale Networks
Aging and Neurodegenerative Disorders
Pre-processing of fMRI Data
Multilateral Markov Random Field and Brain Subcortical Segmentation
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Cortical Thickness and ROI Analysis
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Localization of 18F PET images with MRI image
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Weill Cornell Medicine
Lab Team
Found 83 results
Simon SSanz
Varangis E
Lee S
Gu Y
Gazes Y
Razlighi QR
Habeck C
Stern Y
. 2024.
In vivo tau is associated with change in memory and processing speed, but not reasoning, in cognitively unimpaired older adults.
Neurobiol Aging. 133:28-38.
Voss HU
Razlighi QR
. 2024.
Pulsatility analysis of the circle of Willis.
Aging Brain. 5:100111.
Butler T
Wang X
Chiang G
Xi K
Niogi S
Glodzik L
Li Y
Razlighi QRay
Zhou L
Hojjati SHani
et al.
. 2024.
Reduction in Constitutively Activated Auditory Brainstem Microglia in Aging and Alzheimer's Disease.
J Alzheimers Dis.
Hojjati SHani
Chiang GC
Butler TA
de Leon M
Gupta A
Li Y
Sabuncu MR
Feiz F
Nayak S
Shteingart J
et al.
. 2024.
Remote Associations Between Tau and Cortical Amyloid-β Are Stage-Dependent.
J Alzheimers Dis. 98(4):1467-1482.
Butler T
Wang XH
Chiang GC
Li Y
Zhou L
Xi K
Wickramasuriya N
Tanzi E
Spector E
Ozsahin I
et al.
. 2023.
Choroid Plexus Calcification Correlates with Cortical Microglial Activation in Humans: A Multimodal PET, CT, MRI Study.
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 44(7):776-782.
Javitt DC
Martinez A
Sehatpour P
Beloborodova A
Habeck C
Gazes Y
Bermudez D
Razlighi QR
Devanand DP
Stern Y
. 2023.
Disruption of early visual processing in amyloid-positive healthy individuals and mild cognitive impairment.
Alzheimers Res Ther. 15(1):42.
Hojjati SHani
Butler TA
Chiang GC
Habeck C
RoyChoudhury A
Feiz F
Shteingart J
Nayak S
Ozoria S
Fernández A
et al.
. 2023.
Distinct and joint effects of low and high levels of Aβ and tau deposition on cortical thickness.
Neuroimage Clin. 38:103409.
He H
Ettehadi N
Shmuel A
Razlighi QR
. 2022.
Evidence suggesting common mechanisms underlie contralateral and ipsilateral negative BOLD responses in the human visual cortex.
Neuroimage. 262:119440.
He H
Razlighi QR
. 2022.
Landmark-guided region-based spatial normalization for functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Hum Brain Mapp. 43(11):3524-3544.
Rippon B
Palta P
Tahmi M
Sherwood G
Soto L
Cespedes S
Mesen Y
He H
Laing K
Moreno H
et al.
. 2022.
Plasma Amyloid and in vivo Brain Amyloid in Late Middle-Aged Hispanics.
J Alzheimers Dis. 87(3):1229-1238.
Butler T
Glodzik L
Wang XHugh
Xi K
Li Y
Pan H
Zhou L
Chiang GChia-Yi
Morim S
Wickramasuriya N
et al.
. 2022.
Positron Emission Tomography reveals age-associated hypothalamic microglial activation in women.
Sci Rep. 12(1):13351.
Butler T
Chiang GC
Niogi SNarayan
Wang XHugh
Skudin C
Tanzi E
Wickramasuriya N
Spiegel J
Maloney T
Pahlajani S
et al.
. 2022.
Tau PET following acute TBI: Off-target binding to blood products, tauopathy, or both?
Front Neuroimaging. 1
Parker DB
Spincemaille P
Razlighi QR
. 2021.
Attenuation of motion artifacts in fMRI using discrete reconstruction of irregular fMRI trajectories (DRIFT).
Magn Reson Med. 86(3):1586-1599.
Tahmi M
Rippon B
Palta P
Sherwood G
Hernandez G
Soto L
Ceballos F
Pardo M
Laing K
Igwe K
et al.
. 2021.
In Vivo Amyloid, Neurodegeneration, and Verbal Learning in Late Middle-Aged Hispanics.
J Alzheimers Dis. 82(1):317-325.
Palta P
Rippon B
Tahmi M
Sherwood G
Soto L
Ceballos F
Laing K
He H
Reitz C
Razlighi Q
et al.
. 2021.
Metabolic syndrome and its components in relation to in vivo brain amyloid and neurodegeneration in late middle age.
Neurobiol Aging. 97:89-96.
Kreisl WCharles
Lao PJ
Johnson A
Tomljanovic Z
Klein J
Polly K
Maas B
Laing KK
Chesebro AG
Igwe K
et al.
. 2021.
Patterns of tau pathology identified with 18 F-MK-6240 PET imaging.
Alzheimers Dement.
Habeck C
Razlighi Q
Stern Y
. 2021.
Predictive utility of task-related functional connectivity vs. voxel activation.
PLoS One. 16(4):e0249947.
Palta P
Rippon B
Tahmi M
Pardo M
Johnson A
Tomljanovic Z
He H
Laing KK
Razlighi QR
Teresi JA
et al.
. 2021.
Sex differences in in vivo tau neuropathology in a multiethnic sample of late middle-aged adults.
Neurobiol Aging. 103:109-116.
Hojjati SHani
Feiz F
Ozoria S
Razlighi QR
. 2021.
Topographical Overlapping of the Amyloid-β and Tau Pathologies in the Default Mode Network Predicts Alzheimer's Disease with Higher Specificity.
J Alzheimers Dis. 83(1):407-421.
Devanand DP
Andrews H
Kreisl WC
Razlighi QR
Gershon A
Stern Y
Mintz A
Wisniewski T
Acosta E
Pollina J
et al.
. 2020.
Antiviral therapy: Valacyclovir Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease (VALAD) Trial: protocol for a randomised, double-blind,placebo-controlled, treatment trial.
BMJ Open. 10(2):e032112.
Palta P
Rippon B
Reitz C
He H
Sherwood G
Ceballos F
Teresi J
Razlighi Q
Moreno H
Brickman AM
et al.
. 2020.
Apolipoprotein E genotype and in vivo amyloid burden in middle-aged Hispanics.
Neurology. 95(15):e2086-e2094.
Tahmi M
Rippon B
Palta P
Soto L
Ceballos F
Pardo M
Sherwood G
Hernandez G
Arevalo R
He H
et al.
. 2020.
Brain Amyloid Burden and Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Late Middle-Aged Hispanics.
Front Neurol. 11:529930.
Habeck C
Gazes Y
Razlighi QR
Stern Y
. 2020.
Cortical thickness and its associations with age, total cognition and education across the adult lifespan.
PLoS One. 15(3):e0230298.
Gazes Y
Lee S
Sakhardande J
Mensing A
Razlighi QR
Ohkawa A
Pleshkevich M
Luo L
Habeck C
. 2020.
fMRI-guided white matter connectivity in fluid and crystallized cognitive abilities in healthy adults.
Neuroimage. 215:116809.
Zou J
Tao S
Johnson A
Tomljanovic Z
Polly K
Klein J
Razlighi QR
Brickman AM
Lee S
Stern Y
et al.
. 2020.
Microglial activation, but not tau pathology, is independently associated with amyloid positivity and memory impairment.
Neurobiol Aging. 85:11-21.
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